This is a terrifiic app. It’s simple and easy to use and has just what I need in a terminal emulation tool. I teach Cisco Networking at a college and need to connect my Macbook to routers, switches, and UNIX servers using a serial console connection. You can actually do this for free from the OSX command line and I have for years becasue of the high price for most of these type of programs. This one was very reasonably priced so I purchased it and WOW, it’s a big improvement over the old way I was doing things, well worth the money - a very good value.
One feature I enjoy a lot is the ability to search a page for keywords; “Find”. This is basically similar to the same feature in many web browsers but is missing from all the common Windows terminal emulators (puTTY and terraTERM for example lack this capabiltiy). When I run through a multipage config and bang in command after command for hours it’s great to be able to jump back into the history right to where something is. No need to GREP my output as much.
Bottom line, a basic terminal emulator that works well and keeps things simple. Stable, fast, and responsive.
Dwight Hughes about